BDSM TRAINING PACKET B: BDSM 101-Safe, Sane, and Sensual
Packet B: BDSM 101 – Safe, Sane, and Sensual:
This 8 week program will Explore the world of BDSM with confidence and safety. Junius, our expert BDSM coach, guides you through this transformative journey with clear, practical instruction and a focus on consent and communication. BDSM TRAINING 101: Safe, sane, and sensuall This packet includes detailed video demonstrations, interactive exercises, and personalized support to create a fulfilling and consensual experience. Expect to develop a deeper understanding of consent, safety protocols, and the art of negotiation within BDSM, creating a safer and more fulfilling experience. Dive into the world of BDSM with a focus on safety, consent, and communication. Learn the fundamentals of BDSM practices, while exploring different roles. To book consultation Client information from
key Features:
- detailed video demonstrations, interactive exercises, modules and personalized support to create a fulfilling experience
- 1 hour weekly video sessions based on what you learned and practice bondage and knot tying, explore bdsm, kink, and fetish safely.
- Email, text, phone, and video support for 24/7 growth and guidance
- Exclusive: if you're in Oklahoma, Texas, or Kansas you are able to get weekly group or one on one sessions with our coaches in real life rather then video. If you choose to travel we can schedule an in person coaching lesson.